This is Info file elisp, produced by Makeinfo-1.63 from the input file elisp.texi. This version is the edition 2.4.2 of the GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual. It corresponds to Emacs Version 19.34. Published by the Free Software Foundation 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" may be included in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English. File: elisp, Node: Index, Prev: Standard Hooks, Up: Top Index ***** * Menu: * %: Arithmetic Operations. * &define (Edebug): Specification List. * ¬ (Edebug): Specification List. * &optional: Argument List. * &optional (Edebug): Specification List. * &or (Edebug): Specification List. * &rest: Argument List. * &rest (Edebug): Specification List. * *: Arithmetic Operations. * +: Arithmetic Operations. * , (with Backquote): Backquote. * ,@ (with Backquote): Backquote. * -: Arithmetic Operations. * /: Arithmetic Operations. * /=: Comparison of Numbers. * 1+: Arithmetic Operations. * 1-: Arithmetic Operations. * <: Comparison of Numbers. * <=: Comparison of Numbers. * =: Comparison of Numbers. * >: Comparison of Numbers. * >=: Comparison of Numbers. * apply, and debugging: Internals of Debugger. * arith-error example: Handling Errors. * arith-error in division: Arithmetic Operations. * commandp example: High-Level Completion. * debug-on-error use: Processing of Errors. * delete-frame event: Misc Events. * EMACSLOADPATH environment variable: How Programs Do Loading. * error in debug: Invoking the Debugger. * eval, and debugging: Internals of Debugger. * funcall, and debugging: Internals of Debugger. * HOME environment variable: Subprocess Creation. * iconify-frame event: Misc Events. * interactive, examples of using: Interactive Examples. * lambda in debug: Invoking the Debugger. * lambda in keymap: Key Lookup. * LISP_FLOAT_TYPE configuration macro: Float Basics. * make-frame-visible event: Misc Events. * mode-class property: Major Mode Conventions. * nil and lists: Cons Cells. * nil in keymap: Key Lookup. * nil in lists: Cons Cell Type. * nil input stream: Input Streams. * nil output stream: Output Streams. * nil, uses of: nil and t. * PATH environment variable: Subprocess Creation. * quoted-insert suppression: Changing Key Bindings. * read-quoted-char quitting: Quitting. * self-insert-command override: Changing Key Bindings. * self-insert-command, minor modes: Keymaps and Minor Modes. * special: Major Mode Conventions. * TERM environment variable: Terminal-Specific. * throw example: Recursive Editing. * t and truth: nil and t. * t input stream: Input Streams. * t output stream: Output Streams. * undefined in keymap: Key Lookup. * user-variable-p example: High-Level Completion. * .emacs: Init File. * .emacs customization: Major Mode Conventions. * default.el: Start-up Summary. * DOC (documentation) file: Documentation Basics. * emacs/etc/DOC-VERSION: Documentation Basics. * etc/DOC-VERSION: Documentation Basics. * lisp-mode.el: Example Major Modes. * loadup.el: Building Emacs. * profile.el: Compilation Tips. * site-init.el: Building Emacs. * site-load.el: Building Emacs. * site-start.el: Start-up Summary. * startup.el: Start-up Summary. * ? in minibuffer: Text from Minibuffer. * C-c: Prefix Keys. * C-g: Quitting. * C-h: Prefix Keys. * C-q: Flow Control. * C-s: Flow Control. * C-x 4: Prefix Keys. * C-x 5: Prefix Keys. * C-x a: Prefix Keys. * C-x n: Prefix Keys. * C-x r: Prefix Keys. * C-x: Prefix Keys. * M-x: Interactive Call. * ESC: Functions for Key Lookup. * SPC in minibuffer: Text from Minibuffer. * TAB in minibuffer: Text from Minibuffer. * " in printing: Output Functions. * " in strings: String Type. * #$: Docs and Compilation. * #@COUNT: Docs and Compilation. * $ in display: Truncation. * $ in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * % in format: Formatting Strings. * & in replacement: Replacing Match. * ' for quoting: Quoting. * (...) in lists: Cons Cell Type. * ( in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * ) in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * *scratch*: Auto Major Mode. * * in interactive: Using Interactive. * * in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * + in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * . in lists: Dotted Pair Notation. * . in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * ; in comment: Comments. * ? in character constant: Character Type. * ? in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * @ in interactive: Using Interactive. * [ in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * \' in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * \< in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * \= in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * \> in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * \N in replacement: Replacing Match. * \` in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * \a: Character Type. * \b: Character Type. * \B in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * \e: Character Type. * \f: Character Type. * \n: Character Type. * \n in print: Output Variables. * \r: Character Type. * \s in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * \t: Character Type. * \v: Character Type. * \w in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * \ in character constant: Character Type. * \ in display: Truncation. * \ in printing: Output Functions. * \ in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * \ in replacement: Replacing Match. * \ in strings: String Type. * \ in symbols: Symbol Type. * ] in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * ^ in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * | in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * ASCII character codes: Character Type. * CBREAK: Flow Control. * PTYs: Asynchronous Processes. * character quote: Syntax Class Table. * close parenthesis character: Syntax Class Table. * comment ender: Syntax Class Table. * comment starter: Syntax Class Table. * escape: Syntax Class Table. * expression prefix: Syntax Class Table. * inherit: Syntax Class Table. * open parenthesis character: Syntax Class Table. * paired delimiter: Syntax Class Table. * punctuation character: Syntax Class Table. * string quote: Syntax Class Table. * symbol constituent: Syntax Class Table. * whitespace character: Syntax Class Table. * word constituent: Syntax Class Table. * [...] (Edebug): Specification List. * `: Backquote. * ` (list substitution): Backquote. * abbrev: Abbrevs. * abbrev table: Abbrevs. * abbrev tables in modes: Major Mode Conventions. * abbrev-all-caps: Abbrev Expansion. * abbrev-expansion: Abbrev Expansion. * abbrev-file-name: Abbrev Files. * abbrev-mode: Abbrev Mode. * abbrev-prefix-mark: Abbrev Expansion. * abbrev-start-location: Abbrev Expansion. * abbrev-start-location-buffer: Abbrev Expansion. * abbrev-symbol: Abbrev Expansion. * abbrev-table-name-list: Abbrev Tables. * abbreviate-file-name: Directory Names. * abbrevs-changed: Abbrev Files. * abort-recursive-edit: Recursive Editing. * aborting: Recursive Editing. * abs: Arithmetic Operations. * absolute file name: Relative File Names. * accept-process-output: Accepting Output. * accessibility of a file: Testing Accessibility. * accessible portion (of a buffer): Narrowing. * accessible-keymaps: Scanning Keymaps. * acos: Math Functions. * activate-mark-hook: The Mark. * active display table: Active Display Table. * active keymap: Active Keymaps. * active-minibuffer-window: Minibuffer Misc. * add-abbrev: Defining Abbrevs. * add-hook: Hooks. * add-name-to-file: Changing File Attributes. * add-text-properties: Changing Properties. * add-to-list: Setting Variables. * address field of register: Cons Cell Type. * after-change-function: Change Hooks. * after-change-functions: Change Hooks. * after-find-file: Subroutines of Visiting. * after-init-hook: Init File. * after-insert-file-functions: Saving Properties. * after-load-alist: Hooks for Loading. * after-make-frame-hook: Creating Frames. * after-revert-hook: Reverting. * after-save-hook: Saving Buffers. * after-string (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * alist: Association Lists. * all-christian-calendar-holidays: Holiday Customizing. * all-completions: Basic Completion. * all-hebrew-calendar-holidays: Holiday Customizing. * all-islamic-calendar-holidays: Holiday Customizing. * alt characters: Character Type. * and: Combining Conditions. * anonymous function: Anonymous Functions. * anonymous lambda expressions (Edebug): Instrumenting. * apostrophe for quoting: Quoting. * append: Building Lists. * append-to-file: Writing to Files. * apply: Calling Functions. * appt-audible: Appt Customizing. * appt-delete-window-function: Appt Customizing. * appt-disp-window-function: Appt Customizing. * appt-display-duration: Appt Customizing. * appt-display-mode-line: Appt Customizing. * appt-message-warning-time: Appt Customizing. * appt-msg-window: Appt Customizing. * appt-visible: Appt Customizing. * apropos: Help Functions. * aref: Array Functions. * argument binding: Argument List. * argument descriptors: Using Interactive. * argument evaluation form: Using Interactive. * argument prompt: Using Interactive. * arguments, reading: Minibuffers. * arithmetic shift: Bitwise Operations. * array: Arrays. * array elements: Array Functions. * arrayp: Array Functions. * aset: Array Functions. * ash: Bitwise Operations. * asin: Math Functions. * ask-user-about-lock: File Locks. * ask-user-about-supersession-threat: Modification Time. * asking the user questions: Yes-or-No Queries. * assoc: Association Lists. * association list: Association Lists. * assq: Association Lists. * asynchronous subprocess: Asynchronous Processes. * atan: Math Functions. * atom <1>: Cons Cell Type. * atom: List-related Predicates. * atoms: List-related Predicates. * attributes of text: Text Properties. * Auto Fill mode: Auto Filling. * auto-fill-function: Auto Filling. * auto-mode-alist: Auto Major Mode. * auto-save-default: Auto-Saving. * auto-save-file-format: Format Conversion. * auto-save-file-name-p: Auto-Saving. * auto-save-hook: Auto-Saving. * auto-save-interval: Auto-Saving. * auto-save-list-file-name: Auto-Saving. * auto-save-mode: Auto-Saving. * auto-save-timeout: Auto-Saving. * auto-save-visited-file-name: Auto-Saving. * auto-saving: Auto-Saving. * autoload: Autoload. * autoload errors: Autoload. * automatically buffer-local: Intro to Buffer-Local. * back-to-indentation: Motion by Indent. * backquote (list substitution): Backquote. * backslash in character constant: Character Type. * backslash in strings: String Type. * backslash in symbols: Symbol Type. * backspace: Character Type. * backtrace: Internals of Debugger. * backtrace-debug: Internals of Debugger. * backtrace-frame: Internals of Debugger. * backtracking: Backtracking. * backup file: Backup Files. * backup files, how to make them: Rename or Copy. * backup-buffer: Making Backups. * backup-by-copying: Rename or Copy. * backup-by-copying-when-linked: Rename or Copy. * backup-by-copying-when-mismatch: Rename or Copy. * backup-enable-predicate: Making Backups. * backup-file-name-p: Backup Names. * backup-inhibited: Making Backups. * backward-char: Character Motion. * backward-delete-char-untabify: Deletion. * backward-list: List Motion. * backward-prefix-chars: Motion and Syntax. * backward-sexp: List Motion. * backward-to-indentation: Motion by Indent. * backward-word: Word Motion. * balancing parentheses: Blinking. * barf-if-buffer-read-only: Read Only Buffers. * base buffer: Indirect Buffers. * basic code (of input character): Keyboard Events. * batch mode: Batch Mode. * batch-byte-compile: Compilation Functions. * baud-rate: Terminal Output. * beep: Beeping. * beeping: Beeping. * before point, insertion: Insertion. * before-change-function: Change Hooks. * before-change-functions: Change Hooks. * before-init-hook: Init File. * before-make-frame-hook: Creating Frames. * before-revert-hook: Reverting. * before-string (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * beginning of line: Text Lines. * beginning of line in regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * beginning-of-buffer: Buffer End Motion. * beginning-of-defun: List Motion. * beginning-of-line: Text Lines. * bell: Beeping. * bell character: Character Type. * binary files and text files: Files and MS-DOS. * binary-process-input: MS-DOS Subprocesses. * binary-process-output: MS-DOS Subprocesses. * binding arguments: Argument List. * binding local variables: Local Variables. * binding of a key: Keymap Terminology. * bitwise and: Bitwise Operations. * bitwise exclusive or: Bitwise Operations. * bitwise not: Bitwise Operations. * bitwise or: Bitwise Operations. * blink-matching-open: Blinking. * blink-matching-paren: Blinking. * blink-matching-paren-delay: Blinking. * blink-matching-paren-distance: Blinking. * blink-paren-function: Blinking. * blink-paren-hook: Blinking. * blinking: Blinking. * bobp: Near Point. * body of function: Lambda Components. * bold (face name): Standard Faces. * bold-italic (face name): Standard Faces. * bolp: Near Point. * boolean: nil and t. * boundp: Void Variables. * box diagrams, for lists: Cons Cell Type. * box representation for lists: Lists as Boxes. * break: Debugger. * breakpoints: Breakpoints. * bucket (in obarray): Creating Symbols. * buffer: Buffers. * buffer contents: Text. * buffer file name: Buffer File Name. * buffer input stream: Input Streams. * buffer internals: Buffer Internals. * buffer list: The Buffer List. * buffer modification: Buffer Modification. * buffer names: Buffer Names. * buffer output stream: Output Streams. * buffer text notation: Buffer Text Notation. * buffer, read-only: Read Only Buffers. * buffer-access-fontified-property: Lazy Properties. * buffer-access-fontify-functions: Lazy Properties. * buffer-auto-save-file-name: Auto-Saving. * buffer-backed-up: Making Backups. * buffer-base-buffer: Indirect Buffers. * buffer-disable-undo: Maintaining Undo. * buffer-display-table: Active Display Table. * buffer-enable-undo: Maintaining Undo. * buffer-end: Point. * buffer-file-format: Format Conversion. * buffer-file-name: Buffer File Name. * buffer-file-number: Buffer File Name. * buffer-file-truename: Buffer File Name. * buffer-file-type: Files and MS-DOS. * buffer-flush-undo: Maintaining Undo. * buffer-invisibility-spec: Invisible Text. * buffer-list: The Buffer List. * buffer-local variables: Buffer-Local Variables. * buffer-local variables in modes: Major Mode Conventions. * buffer-local-variables: Creating Buffer-Local. * Buffer-menu-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * buffer-modified-p: Buffer Modification. * buffer-modified-tick: Buffer Modification. * buffer-name: Buffer Names. * buffer-offer-save <1>: Saving Buffers. * buffer-offer-save: Killing Buffers. * buffer-read-only: Read Only Buffers. * buffer-saved-size: Auto-Saving. * buffer-size: Point. * buffer-string: Buffer Contents. * buffer-substring: Buffer Contents. * buffer-substring-no-properties: Buffer Contents. * buffer-undo-list: Undo. * bufferp: Buffer Basics. * buffers, controlled in windows: Buffers and Windows. * buffers, creating: Creating Buffers. * buffers, killing: Killing Buffers. * building Emacs: Building Emacs. * building lists: Building Lists. * built-in function: What Is a Function. * bury-buffer: The Buffer List. * button-down event: Button-Down Events. * byte-code <1>: Byte Compilation. * byte-code: Compilation Functions. * byte-code function: Byte-Code Objects. * byte-code interpreter: Compilation Functions. * byte-code-function-p: What Is a Function. * byte-compile: Compilation Functions. * byte-compile-dynamic: Dynamic Loading. * byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings: Docs and Compilation. * byte-compile-file: Compilation Functions. * byte-compiling require: Named Features. * byte-compiling macros: Compiling Macros. * byte-recompile-directory: Compilation Functions. * bytes: Strings and Characters. * C-M-x: Instrumenting. * c-mode-abbrev-table: Standard Abbrev Tables. * c-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * c-mode-syntax-table: Standard Syntax Tables. * cache-long-line-scans: Truncation. * calendar-date-display-form: Date Display Format. * calendar-daylight-savings-ends: Daylight Savings. * calendar-daylight-savings-ends-time: Daylight Savings. * calendar-daylight-savings-starts: Daylight Savings. * calendar-daylight-savings-starts-time: Daylight Savings. * calendar-daylight-time-offset: Daylight Savings. * calendar-holiday-marker: Calendar Customizing. * calendar-holidays: Holiday Customizing. * calendar-load-hook: Calendar Customizing. * calendar-mark-today: Calendar Customizing. * calendar-star-date: Calendar Customizing. * calendar-time-display-form: Time Display Format. * calendar-today-marker: Calendar Customizing. * call stack: Internals of Debugger. * call-interactively: Interactive Call. * call-process: Synchronous Processes. * call-process-region: Synchronous Processes. * calling a function: Calling Functions. * cancel-debug-on-entry: Function Debugging. * cancel-timer: Timers. * candle lighting times: Sexp Diary Entries. * capitalization: Character Case. * capitalize: Character Case. * capitalize-region: Case Changes. * capitalize-word: Case Changes. * car: List Elements. * car-safe: List Elements. * case changes: Case Changes. * case in replacements: Replacing Match. * case-fold-search: Searching and Case. * case-replace: Searching and Case. * case-table-p: Case Table. * catch: Catch and Throw. * category (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * category (text property): Special Properties. * category of text character: Special Properties. * cdr: List Elements. * cdr-safe: List Elements. * ceiling: Numeric Conversions. * centering point: Vertical Scrolling. * change hooks: Change Hooks. * change hooks for a character: Special Properties. * change-major-mode-hook: Major Mode Conventions. * changing key bindings: Changing Key Bindings. * changing to another buffer: Current Buffer. * changing window size: Resizing Windows. * char-after: Near Point. * char-equal: Text Comparison. * char-or-string-p: Predicates for Strings. * char-syntax: Syntax Table Functions. * char-to-string: String Conversion. * character arrays: Strings and Characters. * character case: Character Case. * character insertion: Commands for Insertion. * character printing: Describing Characters. * character set (in regexp): Syntax of Regexps. * character to string: String Conversion. * characters: Strings and Characters. * characters for interactive codes: Interactive Codes. * child process: Processes. * christian-holidays: Holiday Customizing. * CL note--rplaca vrs setcar: Modifying Lists. * CL note--set local: Setting Variables. * CL note--allocate more storage: Garbage Collection. * CL note--case of letters: Symbol Type. * CL note--default optional arg: Argument List. * CL note--integers vrs eq: Comparison of Numbers. * CL note--lack union, intersection: Sets And Lists. * CL note--no continuable errors: Signaling Errors. * CL note--only throw in Emacs: Catch and Throw. * CL note--special forms compared: Special Forms. * CL note--special variables: Variable Scoping. * CL note--symbol in obarrays: Creating Symbols. * cl-specs.el: Instrumenting. * cl.el (Edebug): Instrumenting. * cleanup forms: Cleanups. * clear-abbrev-table: Abbrev Tables. * clear-visited-file-modtime: Modification Time. * click event: Click Events. * close parenthesis: Blinking. * closures not available: Extent. * codes, interactive, description of: Interactive Codes. * coding standards: Tips. * columns: Columns. * command: What Is a Function. * command descriptions: A Sample Function Description. * command history: Command History. * command in keymap: Key Lookup. * command line arguments: Command Line Arguments. * command line options: Command Line Arguments. * command loop: Command Loop. * command loop, recursive: Recursive Editing. * command-debug-status: Internals of Debugger. * command-execute: Interactive Call. * command-history: Command History. * command-history-map: Standard Keymaps. * command-line: Command Line Arguments. * command-line-args: Command Line Arguments. * command-line-functions: Command Line Arguments. * command-line-processed: Command Line Arguments. * command-switch-alist: Command Line Arguments. * commandp: Interactive Call. * commands, defining: Defining Commands. * comment syntax: Syntax Class Table. * comments: Comments. * Common Lisp: Lisp History. * Common Lisp (Edebug): Instrumenting. * compare-buffer-substrings: Comparing Text. * comparing buffer text: Comparing Text. * comparison of modification time: Modification Time. * compilation: Byte Compilation. * compilation functions: Compilation Functions. * compile-defun: Compilation Functions. * compiled function: Byte-Code Objects. * complete key: Keymap Terminology. * completing-read: Minibuffer Completion. * completion: Completion. * completion, file name: File Name Completion. * completion-auto-help: Completion Commands. * completion-ignore-case: Basic Completion. * completion-ignored-extensions: File Name Completion. * complex arguments: Minibuffers. * complex command: Command History. * compute-motion: Screen Lines. * concat: Creating Strings. * concatenating lists: Rearrangement. * concatenating strings: Creating Strings. * cond: Conditionals. * condition name: Error Symbols. * condition-case: Handling Errors. * conditional evaluation: Conditionals. * cons: Building Lists. * cons cell as box: Lists as Boxes. * cons cells: Building Lists. * consing: Building Lists. * consp: List-related Predicates. * continuation lines: Truncation. * continue-process: Signals to Processes. * control character key constants: Changing Key Bindings. * control character printing: Describing Characters. * control characters: Character Type. * control characters in display: Usual Display. * control characters, reading: Quoted Character Input. * control structures: Control Structures. * Control-X-prefix: Prefix Keys. * conventions for writing minor modes: Minor Mode Conventions. * conversion of strings: String Conversion. * convert-standard-filename: Standard File Names. * coordinates-in-window-p: Coordinates and Windows. * copy-alist: Association Lists. * copy-face: Face Functions. * copy-file: Changing File Attributes. * copy-keymap: Creating Keymaps. * copy-marker: Creating Markers. * copy-region-as-kill: Kill Functions. * copy-sequence: Sequence Functions. * copy-syntax-table: Syntax Table Functions. * copying alists: Association Lists. * copying files: Changing File Attributes. * copying lists: Building Lists. * copying sequences: Sequence Functions. * copying strings: Creating Strings. * copying vectors: Vector Functions. * cos: Math Functions. * count-lines: Text Lines. * count-loop: A Sample Function Description. * counting columns: Columns. * coverage testing: Coverage Testing. * create-file-buffer: Subroutines of Visiting. * creating buffers: Creating Buffers. * creating keymaps: Creating Keymaps. * ctl-arrow: Usual Display. * ctl-x-4-map <1>: Standard Keymaps. * ctl-x-4-map: Prefix Keys. * ctl-x-5-map <1>: Prefix Keys. * ctl-x-5-map: Standard Keymaps. * ctl-x-map <1>: Prefix Keys. * ctl-x-map: Standard Keymaps. * current binding: Local Variables. * current buffer: Current Buffer. * current buffer excursion: Excursions. * current buffer mark: The Mark. * current buffer point and mark (Edebug): Edebug Display Update. * current buffer position: Point. * current command: Command Loop Info. * current stack frame: Using Debugger. * current-buffer: Current Buffer. * current-case-table: Case Table. * current-column: Columns. * current-fill-column: Margins. * current-frame-configuration: Frame Configurations. * current-global-map: Active Keymaps. * current-indentation: Primitive Indent. * current-input-mode: Input Modes. * current-justification: Filling. * current-kill: Low-Level Kill Ring. * current-left-margin: Margins. * current-local-map: Active Keymaps. * current-minor-mode-maps: Active Keymaps. * current-prefix-arg: Prefix Command Arguments. * current-time: Time of Day. * current-time-string: Time of Day. * current-time-zone: Time of Day. * current-window-configuration: Window Configurations. * cursor-in-echo-area: The Echo Area. * cust-print: Printing in Edebug. * cut buffer: X Selections. * cyclic ordering of windows: Cyclic Window Ordering. * data type: Lisp Data Types. * data-directory: Help Functions. * daylight savings time: Daylight Savings. * deactivate-mark: The Mark. * deactivate-mark-hook: The Mark. * debug: Invoking the Debugger. * debug-ignored-errors: Error Debugging. * debug-on-entry: Function Debugging. * debug-on-error: Error Debugging. * debug-on-next-call: Internals of Debugger. * debug-on-quit: Infinite Loops. * debugger <1>: Internals of Debugger. * debugger: Debugger. * debugger command list: Debugger Commands. * debugger-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * debugging errors: Error Debugging. * debugging specific functions: Function Debugging. * decode-time: Time Conversion. * decoding file formats: Format Conversion. * decrement field of register: Cons Cell Type. * dedicated window: Choosing Window. * deep binding: Impl of Scope. * def-edebug-spec: Instrumenting Macro Calls. * defalias: Defining Functions. * default (face name): Standard Faces. * default argument string: Interactive Codes. * default init file: Init File. * default key binding: Format of Keymaps. * default value: Default Value. * default-abbrev-mode: Abbrev Mode. * default-boundp: Default Value. * default-buffer-file-type: Files and MS-DOS. * default-case-fold-search: Searching and Case. * default-ctl-arrow: Usual Display. * default-directory: File Name Expansion. * default-file-modes: Changing File Attributes. * default-fill-column: Margins. * default-frame-alist: Initial Parameters. * default-justification: Filling. * default-major-mode: Auto Major Mode. * default-minibuffer-frame: Minibuffers and Frames. * default-mode-line-format: Mode Line Variables. * default-text-properties: Examining Properties. * default-truncate-lines: Truncation. * default-value: Default Value. * defconst: Defining Variables. * define-abbrev: Defining Abbrevs. * define-abbrev-table: Abbrev Tables. * define-derived-mode: Derived Modes. * define-key: Changing Key Bindings. * define-key-after: Modifying Menus. * define-logical-name: Changing File Attributes. * define-prefix-command: Prefix Keys. * defining a function: Defining Functions. * defining commands: Defining Commands. * defining menus: Defining Menus. * defining-kbd-macro: Keyboard Macros. * definition of a symbol: Definitions. * defmacro: Defining Macros. * defsubst: Inline Functions. * defun: Defining Functions. * defun-prompt-regexp: List Motion. * defvar: Defining Variables. * delete: Sets And Lists. * delete previous char: Deletion. * delete-auto-save-file-if-necessary: Auto-Saving. * delete-auto-save-files: Auto-Saving. * delete-backward-char: Deletion. * delete-blank-lines: User-Level Deletion. * delete-char: Deletion. * delete-directory: Create/Delete Dirs. * delete-exited-processes: Deleting Processes. * delete-file: Changing File Attributes. * delete-frame: Deleting Frames. * delete-horizontal-space: User-Level Deletion. * delete-indentation: User-Level Deletion. * delete-other-windows: Deleting Windows. * delete-overlay: Managing Overlays. * delete-process: Deleting Processes. * delete-region: Deletion. * delete-to-left-margin: Margins. * delete-window: Deleting Windows. * delete-windows-on: Deleting Windows. * deleting files: Changing File Attributes. * deleting processes: Deleting Processes. * deleting whitespace: User-Level Deletion. * deleting windows: Deleting Windows. * deletion of elements: Sets And Lists. * deletion of frames: Deleting Frames. * deletion vs killing: Deletion. * delq: Sets And Lists. * describe-bindings: Scanning Keymaps. * describe-buffer-case-table: Case Table. * describe-mode: Mode Help. * describe-prefix-bindings: Help Functions. * description for interactive codes: Interactive Codes. * description format: Format of Descriptions. * diagrams, boxed, for lists: Cons Cell Type. * dialog boxes: Dialog Boxes. * diary buffer: Fancy Diary Display. * diary-anniversary: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-astro-day-number: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-cyclic: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-date-forms: Diary Customizing. * diary-day-of-year: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-display-hook: Fancy Diary Display. * diary-entry-marker: Calendar Customizing. * diary-french-date: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-hebrew-date: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-islamic-date: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-iso-date: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-julian-date: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-list-include-blanks: Fancy Diary Display. * diary-mayan-date: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-omer: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-parasha: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-phases-of-moon: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-rosh-hodesh: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-sabbath-candles: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-sunrise-sunset: Sexp Diary Entries. * diary-yahrzeit: Sexp Diary Entries. * digit-argument: Prefix Command Arguments. * ding: Beeping. * directory name: Directory Names. * directory name abbreviation: Directory Names. * directory part (of file name): File Name Components. * directory-abbrev-alist: Directory Names. * directory-file-name: Directory Names. * directory-files: Contents of Directories. * directory-oriented functions: Contents of Directories. * dired-kept-versions: Numbered Backups. * dired-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * disable undo: Maintaining Undo. * disable-command: Disabling Commands. * disabled: Disabling Commands. * disabled command: Disabling Commands. * disabled-command-hook: Disabling Commands. * disassemble: Disassembly. * disassembled byte-code: Disassembly. * discard input: Event Input Misc. * discard-input: Event Input Misc. * display columns: Screen Size. * display lines: Screen Size. * display table: Display Tables. * display-buffer: Choosing Window. * display-buffer-function: Choosing Window. * display-completion-list: Completion Commands. * displaying a buffer: Displaying Buffers. * displays, multiple: Multiple Displays. * do-auto-save: Auto-Saving. * doc-directory: Accessing Documentation. * documentation: Accessing Documentation. * documentation conventions: Documentation Basics. * documentation for major mode: Mode Help. * documentation notation: Evaluation Notation. * documentation of function: Function Documentation. * documentation strings: Documentation. * documentation, keys in: Keys in Documentation. * documentation-property: Accessing Documentation. * dotted lists (Edebug): Specification List. * dotted pair notation: Dotted Pair Notation. * double-click events: Repeat Events. * double-click-time: Repeat Events. * double-quote in strings: String Type. * down-list: List Motion. * downcase: Character Case. * downcase-region: Case Changes. * downcase-word: Case Changes. * downcasing in lookup-key: Key Sequence Input. * drag event: Drag Events. * dribble file: Recording Input. * dump-emacs: Building Emacs. * dynamic loading of documentation: Docs and Compilation. * dynamic loading of functions: Dynamic Loading. * dynamic scoping: Variable Scoping. * echo area: The Echo Area. * echo-keystrokes: The Echo Area. * Edebug: Edebug. * edebug: Source Breakpoints. * Edebug execution modes: Edebug Execution Modes. * Edebug mode: Edebug. * Edebug specification list: Specification List. * edebug-all-defs: Edebug Options. * edebug-all-forms <1>: Instrumenting. * edebug-all-forms: Edebug Options. * edebug-continue-kbd-macro: Edebug Options. * edebug-display-freq-count: Coverage Testing. * edebug-eval-top-level-form: Instrumenting. * edebug-global-break-condition <1>: Edebug Options. * edebug-global-break-condition: Global Break Condition. * edebug-initial-mode: Edebug Options. * edebug-on-error: Edebug Options. * edebug-on-quit: Edebug Options. * edebug-print-circle: Edebug Options. * edebug-print-length <1>: Edebug Options. * edebug-print-length: Printing in Edebug. * edebug-print-level <1>: Printing in Edebug. * edebug-print-level: Edebug Options. * edebug-print-trace-after <1>: Edebug Options. * edebug-print-trace-after: Trace Buffer. * edebug-print-trace-before <1>: Trace Buffer. * edebug-print-trace-before: Edebug Options. * edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points: Edebug Options. * edebug-save-windows: Edebug Options. * edebug-set-global-break-condition: Global Break Condition. * edebug-setup-hook: Edebug Options. * edebug-test-coverage: Edebug Options. * edebug-trace <1>: Trace Buffer. * edebug-trace: Edebug Options. * edebug-tracing: Trace Buffer. * edebug-unwrap: Specification List. * edit-abbrevs-map: Standard Keymaps. * edit-and-eval-command: Object from Minibuffer. * edit-tab-stops-map: Standard Keymaps. * editing types: Editing Types. * editor command loop: Command Loop. * electric-buffer-menu-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * electric-future-map: A Sample Variable Description. * electric-history-map: Standard Keymaps. * element (of list): Lists. * elements of sequences: Sequence Functions. * elt: Sequence Functions. * Emacs event standard notation: Describing Characters. * emacs-build-time: Building Emacs. * emacs-lisp-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table: Standard Syntax Tables. * emacs-major-version: Building Emacs. * emacs-minor-version: Building Emacs. * emacs-pid: System Environment. * emacs-version: Building Emacs. * empty list: Cons Cell Type. * enable-command: Disabling Commands. * enable-flow-control: Flow Control. * enable-flow-control-on: Flow Control. * enable-local-eval: Auto Major Mode. * enable-local-variables: Auto Major Mode. * enable-recursive-minibuffers: Minibuffer Misc. * encode-time: Time Conversion. * encoding file formats: Format Conversion. * end of buffer marker: Creating Markers. * end-of-buffer: Buffer End Motion. * end-of-defun: List Motion. * end-of-file: Input Functions. * end-of-line: Text Lines. * enlarge-window: Resizing Windows. * enlarge-window-horizontally: Resizing Windows. * environment: Intro Eval. * environment variable access: System Environment. * environment variables, subprocesses: Subprocess Creation. * eobp: Near Point. * eolp: Near Point. * eq: Equality Predicates. * equal: Equality Predicates. * equality: Equality Predicates. * erase-buffer: Deletion. * error: Signaling Errors. * error cleanup: Cleanups. * error debugging: Error Debugging. * error description: Handling Errors. * error display: The Echo Area. * error handler: Handling Errors. * error message notation: Error Messages. * error name: Error Symbols. * error symbol: Error Symbols. * error-conditions: Error Symbols. * error-message-string: Handling Errors. * errors: Errors. * esc-map: Prefix Keys. * ESC-prefix: Prefix Keys. * escape: Character Type. * escape characters: Output Variables. * escape characters in printing: Output Functions. * escape sequence: Character Type. * eval: Eval. * eval-after-load: Hooks for Loading. * eval-and-compile: Eval During Compile. * eval-current-buffer: Eval. * eval-current-buffer (Edebug): Instrumenting. * eval-defun (Edebug): Instrumenting. * eval-expression (Edebug): Instrumenting. * eval-minibuffer: Object from Minibuffer. * eval-region: Eval. * eval-region (Edebug): Instrumenting. * eval-when-compile: Eval During Compile. * evaluated expression argument: Interactive Codes. * evaluation: Evaluation. * evaluation error: Local Variables. * evaluation list group: Eval List. * evaluation notation: Evaluation Notation. * evaluation of buffer contents: Eval. * evaporate (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * event printing: Describing Characters. * event type: Classifying Events. * event-basic-type: Classifying Events. * event-click-count: Repeat Events. * event-convert-list: Classifying Events. * event-end: Accessing Events. * event-modifiers: Classifying Events. * event-start: Accessing Events. * eventp: Input Events. * events: Input Events. * examining windows: Buffers and Windows. * examples of using interactive: Interactive Examples. * excursion: Excursions. * exec-directory: Subprocess Creation. * exec-path: Subprocess Creation. * execute program: Subprocess Creation. * execute with prefix argument: Interactive Call. * execute-extended-command: Interactive Call. * execute-kbd-macro: Keyboard Macros. * executing-macro: Keyboard Macros. * execution speed: Compilation Tips. * exit: Recursive Editing. * exit recursive editing: Recursive Editing. * exit-minibuffer: Minibuffer Misc. * exit-recursive-edit: Recursive Editing. * exiting Emacs: Getting Out. * exp: Math Functions. * expand-abbrev: Abbrev Expansion. * expand-file-name: File Name Expansion. * expansion of file names: File Name Expansion. * expansion of macros: Expansion. * expression: Intro Eval. * expt: Math Functions. * extended-command-history: Minibuffer History. * extent: Variable Scoping. * extra-keyboard-modifiers: Translating Input. * face: Faces. * face (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * face (text property): Special Properties. * face codes of text: Special Properties. * face id: Faces. * face-background: Face Functions. * face-differs-from-default-p: Face Functions. * face-equal: Face Functions. * face-font: Face Functions. * face-foreground: Face Functions. * face-id: Face Functions. * face-list: Face Functions. * face-stipple: Face Functions. * face-underline-p: Face Functions. * facemenu-background-menu: Standard Keymaps. * facemenu-face-menu: Standard Keymaps. * facemenu-foreground-menu: Standard Keymaps. * facemenu-indentation-menu: Standard Keymaps. * facemenu-justification-menu: Standard Keymaps. * facemenu-menu: Standard Keymaps. * facemenu-special-menu: Standard Keymaps. * facep: Faces. * false: nil and t. * fancy-diary-display: Fancy Diary Display. * fboundp: Function Cells. * fceiling: Rounding Operations. * featurep: Named Features. * features: Named Features. * fetch-bytecode: Dynamic Loading. * ffloor: Rounding Operations. * field width: Formatting Strings. * file accessibility: Testing Accessibility. * file age: Testing Accessibility. * file attributes: File Attributes. * file format conversion: Format Conversion. * file hard link: Changing File Attributes. * file locks: File Locks. * file mode specification error: Auto Major Mode. * file modes and MS-DOS: Changing File Attributes. * file modification time: Testing Accessibility. * file name completion subroutines: File Name Completion. * file name of buffer: Buffer File Name. * file name of directory: Directory Names. * file names: File Names. * file names in directory: Contents of Directories. * file open error: Subroutines of Visiting. * file symbolic links: Kinds of Files. * file types on MS-DOS: Files and MS-DOS. * file with multiple names: Changing File Attributes. * file-accessible-directory-p: Testing Accessibility. * file-already-exists: Changing File Attributes. * file-attributes: File Attributes. * file-directory-p: Kinds of Files. * file-error: How Programs Do Loading. * file-executable-p: Testing Accessibility. * file-exists-p: Testing Accessibility. * file-local-copy: Magic File Names. * file-locked: File Locks. * file-locked-p: File Locks. * file-modes: File Attributes. * file-name-absolute-p: Relative File Names. * file-name-all-completions: File Name Completion. * file-name-all-versions: Contents of Directories. * file-name-as-directory: Directory Names. * file-name-buffer-file-type-alist: Files and MS-DOS. * file-name-completion: File Name Completion. * file-name-directory: File Name Components. * file-name-history: Minibuffer History. * file-name-nondirectory: File Name Components. * file-name-sans-extension: File Name Components. * file-name-sans-versions: File Name Components. * file-newer-than-file-p: Testing Accessibility. * file-newest-backup: Backup Names. * file-nlinks: File Attributes. * file-ownership-preserved-p: Testing Accessibility. * file-precious-flag: Saving Buffers. * file-readable-p: Testing Accessibility. * file-regular-p: Kinds of Files. * file-relative-name: File Name Expansion. * file-supersession: Modification Time. * file-symlink-p: Kinds of Files. * file-truename: Truenames. * file-writable-p: Testing Accessibility. * fill-column: Margins. * fill-individual-paragraphs: Filling. * fill-individual-varying-indent: Filling. * fill-paragraph: Filling. * fill-paragraph-function: Filling. * fill-prefix: Margins. * fill-region: Filling. * fill-region-as-paragraph: Filling. * fillarray: Array Functions. * filling a paragraph: Filling. * filling, automatic: Auto Filling. * filling, explicit: Filling. * filter function: Filter Functions. * find-backup-file-name: Backup Names. * find-buffer-file-type: Files and MS-DOS. * find-file: Visiting Functions. * find-file-binary: Files and MS-DOS. * find-file-hooks: Visiting Functions. * find-file-name-handler: Magic File Names. * find-file-noselect: Visiting Functions. * find-file-not-found-hooks: Visiting Functions. * find-file-other-window: Visiting Functions. * find-file-read-only: Visiting Functions. * find-file-text: Files and MS-DOS. * finding files: Visiting Files. * finding windows: Selecting Windows. * first-change-hook: Change Hooks. * fixup-whitespace: User-Level Deletion. * float: Numeric Conversions. * floatp: Predicates on Numbers. * floor: Numeric Conversions. * flow control characters: Flow Control. * flow control example: Translating Input. * flush input: Event Input Misc. * fmakunbound: Function Cells. * focus event: Focus Events. * following-char: Near Point. * font-lock-defaults: Major Mode Conventions. * fonts: Some Terms. * foo: A Sample Function Description. * for: Argument Evaluation. * force-mode-line-update: Mode Line Format. * forcing redisplay: Waiting. * format: Formatting Strings. * format definition: Format Conversion. * format of keymaps: Format of Keymaps. * format specification: Formatting Strings. * format-alist: Format Conversion. * format-find-file: Format Conversion. * format-insert-file: Format Conversion. * format-time-string: Time Conversion. * format-write-file: Format Conversion. * formatting strings: Formatting Strings. * formfeed: Character Type. * forms: Intro Eval. * forward-char: Character Motion. * forward-comment: Parsing Expressions. * forward-line: Text Lines. * forward-list: List Motion. * forward-sexp: List Motion. * forward-to-indentation: Motion by Indent. * forward-word: Word Motion. * frame: Frames. * frame configuration: Frame Configurations. * frame visibility: Visibility of Frames. * frame-char-height: Size and Position. * frame-char-width: Size and Position. * frame-height: Size and Position. * frame-list: Finding All Frames. * frame-live-p: Deleting Frames. * frame-parameters: Parameter Access. * frame-pixel-height: Size and Position. * frame-pixel-width: Size and Position. * frame-selected-window: Frames and Windows. * frame-title-format: Frame Titles. * frame-top-window: Frames and Windows. * frame-visible-p: Visibility of Frames. * frame-width: Size and Position. * framep: Frames. * free list: Garbage Collection. * frequency counts: Coverage Testing. * fround: Rounding Operations. * fset: Function Cells. * ftp-login: Cleanups. * ftruncate: Rounding Operations. * full keymap: Format of Keymaps. * funcall: Calling Functions. * function <1>: Anonymous Functions. * function: What Is a Function. * function call: Function Forms. * function call debugging: Function Debugging. * function cell: Symbol Components. * function cell in autoload: Autoload. * function definition: Function Names. * function descriptions: A Sample Function Description. * function form evaluation: Function Forms. * function input stream: Input Streams. * function invocation: Calling Functions. * function keys: Function Keys. * function name: Function Names. * function output stream: Output Streams. * function quoting: Anonymous Functions. * function-key-map <1>: Translating Input. * function-key-map: Standard Keymaps. * functionals: Calling Functions. * functions in modes: Major Mode Conventions. * functions, making them interactive: Defining Commands. * Fundamental mode: Major Modes. * fundamental-mode: Auto Major Mode. * fundamental-mode-abbrev-table: Standard Abbrev Tables. * fundamental-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * garbage collection protection: Writing Emacs Primitives. * garbage collector: Garbage Collection. * garbage-collect: Garbage Collection. * garbage-collection-messages: Garbage Collection. * gc-cons-threshold: Garbage Collection. * general-holidays: Holiday Customizing. * generate-new-buffer: Creating Buffers. * generate-new-buffer-name: Buffer Names. * geometry specification: Size and Position. * get: Symbol Plists. * get-buffer: Buffer Names. * get-buffer-create: Creating Buffers. * get-buffer-process: Process Buffers. * get-buffer-window: Buffers and Windows. * get-buffer-window-list: Buffers and Windows. * get-char-property: Examining Properties. * get-file-buffer: Buffer File Name. * get-file-char: Input Streams. * get-largest-window: Selecting Windows. * get-lru-window: Selecting Windows. * get-process: Process Information. * get-register: Registers. * get-text-property: Examining Properties. * getenv: System Environment. * global binding: Local Variables. * global break condition: Global Break Condition. * global keymap: Active Keymaps. * global variable: Global Variables. * global-abbrev-table: Standard Abbrev Tables. * global-key-binding: Functions for Key Lookup. * global-map: Active Keymaps. * global-mode-string: Mode Line Variables. * global-set-key: Key Binding Commands. * global-unset-key: Key Binding Commands. * glyph: Glyphs. * glyph table: Glyphs. * glyph-table: Glyphs. * goto-char: Character Motion. * goto-line: Text Lines. * hack-local-variables: Auto Major Mode. * handle-switch-frame: Input Focus. * handling errors: Handling Errors. * hash notation: Printed Representation. * hashing: Creating Symbols. * header comments: Library Headers. * hebrew-holidays: Holiday Customizing. * help for major mode: Mode Help. * help-char: Help Functions. * help-command: Help Functions. * help-form: Help Functions. * help-map: Help Functions. * Helper-describe-bindings: Help Functions. * Helper-help: Help Functions. * Helper-help-map: Standard Keymaps. * highlight (face name): Standard Faces. * highlighting: Inverse Video. * history list: Minibuffer History. * history of commands: Command History. * holiday forms: Holiday Customizing. * holidays-in-diary-buffer: Diary Customizing. * hooks: Hooks. * hooks for changing a character: Special Properties. * hooks for loading: Hooks for Loading. * hooks for motion of point: Special Properties. * hooks for text changes: Change Hooks. * horizontal position: Columns. * horizontal scrolling: Horizontal Scrolling. * hyper characters: Character Type. * icon-title-format: Frame Titles. * iconified frame: Visibility of Frames. * iconify-frame: Visibility of Frames. * identity: Calling Functions. * idleness: Timers. * IEEE floating point: Float Basics. * if: Conditionals. * ignore: Calling Functions. * ignored-local-variables: Auto Major Mode. * imenu-create-index-function: Major Mode Conventions. * imenu-generic-expression: Major Mode Conventions. * implicit progn: Sequencing. * inc: Simple Macro. * include-other-diary-files: Fancy Diary Display. * indent-according-to-mode: Mode-Specific Indent. * indent-code-rigidly: Region Indent. * indent-for-tab-command: Mode-Specific Indent. * indent-line-function: Mode-Specific Indent. * indent-region: Region Indent. * indent-region-function: Region Indent. * indent-relative: Relative Indent. * indent-relative-maybe: Relative Indent. * indent-rigidly: Region Indent. * indent-tabs-mode: Primitive Indent. * indent-to: Primitive Indent. * indent-to-left-margin: Margins. * indentation: Indentation. * indenting with parentheses: Parsing Expressions. * indirect buffers: Indirect Buffers. * indirect specifications: Specification List. * indirect-function: Function Indirection. * indirection: Function Indirection. * infinite loops: Infinite Loops. * infinite recursion: Local Variables. * infinity: Float Basics. * Info-edit-map: Standard Keymaps. * Info-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * inheritance of text properties: Sticky Properties. * inheriting a keymap's bindings: Inheritance and Keymaps. * inhibit-default-init: Init File. * inhibit-file-name-handlers: Magic File Names. * inhibit-file-name-operation: Magic File Names. * inhibit-point-motion-hooks: Special Properties. * inhibit-quit: Quitting. * inhibit-read-only: Read Only Buffers. * inhibit-startup-echo-area-message: Start-up Summary. * inhibit-startup-message: Start-up Summary. * init file: Init File. * initial-calendar-window-hook: Calendar Customizing. * initial-frame-alist: Initial Parameters. * initial-major-mode: Auto Major Mode. * initialization: Start-up Summary. * inline functions: Inline Functions. * innermost containing parentheses: Parsing Expressions. * input events: Input Events. * input focus: Input Focus. * input modes: Input Modes. * input stream: Input Streams. * input-pending-p: Event Input Misc. * insert: Insertion. * insert-abbrev-table-description: Abbrev Tables. * insert-and-inherit: Sticky Properties. * insert-before-markers: Insertion. * insert-before-markers-and-inherit: Sticky Properties. * insert-behind-hooks (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * insert-behind-hooks (text property): Special Properties. * insert-buffer: Commands for Insertion. * insert-buffer-substring: Insertion. * insert-char: Insertion. * insert-default-directory: Reading File Names. * insert-directory: Contents of Directories. * insert-directory-program: Contents of Directories. * insert-file-contents: Reading from Files. * insert-hebrew-diary-entry: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * insert-in-front-hooks (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * insert-in-front-hooks (text property): Special Properties. * insert-islamic-diary-entry: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * insert-monthly-hebrew-diary-entry: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * insert-monthly-islamic-diary-entry: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * insert-register: Registers. * insert-yearly-hebrew-diary-entry: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * insert-yearly-islamic-diary-entry: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * inserting killed text: Yank Commands. * insertion before point: Insertion. * insertion of text: Insertion. * inside comment: Parsing Expressions. * inside string: Parsing Expressions. * installation-directory: System Environment. * int-to-string: String Conversion. * intangible (text property): Special Properties. * integer to decimal: String Conversion. * integer to hexadecimal: Formatting Strings. * integer to octal: Formatting Strings. * integer to string: String Conversion. * integer-or-marker-p: Predicates on Markers. * integerp: Predicates on Numbers. * integers: Numbers. * interactive: Using Interactive. * interactive call: Interactive Call. * interactive code description: Interactive Codes. * interactive commands (Edebug): Instrumenting. * interactive completion: Interactive Codes. * interactive function: Defining Commands. * interactive-p: Interactive Call. * intern: Creating Symbols. * intern-soft: Creating Symbols. * internals, of buffer: Buffer Internals. * internals, of process: Process Internals. * internals, of window: Window Internals. * interning: Creating Symbols. * interpreter: Evaluation. * interpreter-mode-alist: Auto Major Mode. * interprogram-cut-function: Low-Level Kill Ring. * interprogram-paste-function: Low-Level Kill Ring. * interrupt-process: Signals to Processes. * intervals: Not Intervals. * invalid function: Function Indirection. * invalid prefix key error: Changing Key Bindings. * invalid-function: Function Indirection. * invalid-read-syntax: Printed Representation. * invalid-regexp: Syntax of Regexps. * Inverse Video: Inverse Video. * inverse-video: Inverse Video. * invert-face: Face Functions. * invisible (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * invisible (text property): Special Properties. * invisible frame: Visibility of Frames. * invisible text: Invisible Text. * invocation-directory: System Environment. * invocation-name: System Environment. * isearch-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * islamic-holidays: Holiday Customizing. * ISO Latin 1: Case Table. * ISO Latin-1 characters (input): Translating Input. * iso-syntax: Case Table. * iso-transl: Translating Input. * italic (face name): Standard Faces. * iteration: Iteration. * joining lists: Rearrangement. * just-one-space: User-Level Deletion. * justify-current-line: Filling. * kept-new-versions: Numbered Backups. * kept-old-versions: Numbered Backups. * key: Keymap Terminology. * key binding: Keymap Terminology. * key lookup: Key Lookup. * key sequence: Key Sequence Input. * key sequence error: Changing Key Bindings. * key sequence input: Key Sequence Input. * key translation function: Translating Input. * key-binding: Functions for Key Lookup. * key-description: Describing Characters. * key-translation-map <1>: Standard Keymaps. * key-translation-map: Translating Input. * keyboard macro execution: Interactive Call. * keyboard macro termination: Beeping. * keyboard macros: Keyboard Macros. * keyboard macros (Edebug): Edebug Execution Modes. * keyboard-quit: Quitting. * keyboard-translate: Translating Input. * keyboard-translate-table: Translating Input. * keymap: Keymaps. * keymap entry: Key Lookup. * keymap format: Format of Keymaps. * keymap in keymap: Key Lookup. * keymap inheritance: Inheritance and Keymaps. * keymap of character <1>: Overlay Properties. * keymap of character: Special Properties. * keymap prompt string: Format of Keymaps. * keymap-parent: Inheritance and Keymaps. * keymapp: Format of Keymaps. * keymaps in modes: Major Mode Conventions. * keys in documentation strings: Keys in Documentation. * keystroke: Keymap Terminology. * keystroke command: What Is a Function. * kill command repetition: Command Loop Info. * kill ring: The Kill Ring. * kill-all-local-variables: Creating Buffer-Local. * kill-append: Low-Level Kill Ring. * kill-buffer: Killing Buffers. * kill-buffer-hook: Killing Buffers. * kill-buffer-query-functions: Killing Buffers. * kill-emacs: Killing Emacs. * kill-emacs-hook: Killing Emacs. * kill-emacs-query-functions: Killing Emacs. * kill-local-variable: Creating Buffer-Local. * kill-new: Low-Level Kill Ring. * kill-process: Signals to Processes. * kill-region: Kill Functions. * kill-ring: Internals of Kill Ring. * kill-ring-max: Internals of Kill Ring. * kill-ring-yank-pointer: Internals of Kill Ring. * killing buffers: Killing Buffers. * killing Emacs: Killing Emacs. * lambda expression: Lambda Expressions. * lambda expression in hook: Hooks. * lambda list: Lambda Components. * lambda-list (Edebug): Specification List. * last-abbrev: Abbrev Expansion. * last-abbrev-location: Abbrev Expansion. * last-abbrev-text: Abbrev Expansion. * last-command: Command Loop Info. * last-command-char: Command Loop Info. * last-command-event: Command Loop Info. * last-event-frame: Command Loop Info. * last-input-char: Event Input Misc. * last-input-event: Event Input Misc. * last-kbd-macro: Keyboard Macros. * last-nonmenu-event: Command Loop Info. * Latin-1 character set (input): Translating Input. * lazy loading: Dynamic Loading. * left-margin: Margins. * length: Sequence Functions. * let: Local Variables. * let*: Local Variables. * lexical binding (Edebug): Edebug Eval. * lexical comparison: Text Comparison. * library: Loading. * library compilation: Compilation Functions. * library header comments: Library Headers. * line wrapping: Truncation. * line-move-ignore-invisible: Invisible Text. * lines: Text Lines. * lines in region: Text Lines. * linking files: Changing File Attributes. * Lisp debugger: Debugger. * Lisp expression motion: List Motion. * Lisp history: Lisp History. * Lisp library: Loading. * Lisp nesting error: Eval. * Lisp object: Lisp Data Types. * Lisp printer: Output Functions. * Lisp reader: Streams Intro. * lisp-interaction-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * lisp-mode-abbrev-table: Standard Abbrev Tables. * lisp-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * list <1>: Lists. * list: Building Lists. * list elements: List Elements. * list form evaluation: Classifying Lists. * list in keymap: Key Lookup. * list length: Sequence Functions. * list motion: List Motion. * list structure: Cons Cells. * list-buffers-directory: Buffer File Name. * list-diary-entries-hook: Fancy Diary Display. * list-hebrew-diary-entries: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * list-islamic-diary-entries: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * list-processes: Process Information. * listify-key-sequence: Strings of Events. * listp: List-related Predicates. * lists and cons cells: Cons Cells. * lists as sets: Sets And Lists. * lists represented as boxes: Lists as Boxes. * literal evaluation: Self-Evaluating Forms. * ln: Changing File Attributes. * load: How Programs Do Loading. * load error with require: Named Features. * load errors: How Programs Do Loading. * load-average: System Environment. * load-history: Unloading. * load-in-progress: How Programs Do Loading. * load-path: How Programs Do Loading. * load-read-function: How Programs Do Loading. * loading: Loading. * loading hooks: Hooks for Loading. * local binding: Local Variables. * local keymap: Active Keymaps. * local variables: Local Variables. * local-abbrev-table: Standard Abbrev Tables. * local-holidays: Holiday Customizing. * local-key-binding: Functions for Key Lookup. * local-map (text property) <1>: Overlay Properties. * local-map (text property): Special Properties. * local-set-key: Key Binding Commands. * local-unset-key: Key Binding Commands. * local-variable-p: Creating Buffer-Local. * local-write-file-hooks: Saving Buffers. * lock-buffer: File Locks. * log: Math Functions. * log10: Math Functions. * logand: Bitwise Operations. * logb: Float Basics. * logical and: Bitwise Operations. * logical exclusive or: Bitwise Operations. * logical inclusive or: Bitwise Operations. * logical not: Bitwise Operations. * logical shift: Bitwise Operations. * logior: Bitwise Operations. * lognot: Bitwise Operations. * logxor: Bitwise Operations. * looking-at: Regexp Search. * lookup-key: Functions for Key Lookup. * loops, infinite: Infinite Loops. * lower case: Character Case. * lower-frame: Raising and Lowering. * lowering a frame: Raising and Lowering. * lsh: Bitwise Operations. * Maclisp: Lisp History. * macro: What Is a Function. * macro argument evaluation: Argument Evaluation. * macro call: Expansion. * macro call evaluation: Macro Forms. * macro compilation: Compilation Functions. * macro descriptions: A Sample Function Description. * macro expansion: Expansion. * macroexpand: Expansion. * macros: Macros. * magic file names: Magic File Names. * mail-host-address: System Environment. * major mode: Major Modes. * major mode hook: Major Mode Conventions. * major mode keymap: Active Keymaps. * major-mode: Mode Help. * make-abbrev-table: Abbrev Tables. * make-auto-save-file-name: Auto-Saving. * make-backup-file-name: Backup Names. * make-backup-files: Making Backups. * make-byte-code: Byte-Code Objects. * make-directory: Create/Delete Dirs. * make-display-table: Display Table Format. * make-face: Face Functions. * make-frame: Creating Frames. * make-frame-invisible: Visibility of Frames. * make-frame-on-display: Multiple Displays. * make-frame-visible: Visibility of Frames. * make-help-screen: Help Functions. * make-indirect-buffer: Indirect Buffers. * make-keymap: Creating Keymaps. * make-list: Building Lists. * make-local-hook: Hooks. * make-local-variable: Creating Buffer-Local. * make-marker: Creating Markers. * make-overlay: Managing Overlays. * make-sparse-keymap: Creating Keymaps. * make-string: Creating Strings. * make-symbol: Creating Symbols. * make-symbolic-link: Changing File Attributes. * make-syntax-table: Syntax Table Functions. * make-temp-name: Unique File Names. * make-variable-buffer-local: Creating Buffer-Local. * make-vector: Vector Functions. * makunbound: Void Variables. * map-y-or-n-p: Multiple Queries. * mapatoms: Creating Symbols. * mapcar: Mapping Functions. * mapconcat: Mapping Functions. * mapping functions: Mapping Functions. * mark: The Mark. * mark excursion: Excursions. * mark ring: The Mark. * mark, the: The Mark. * mark-active: The Mark. * mark-diary-entries-hook: Fancy Diary Display. * mark-diary-entries-in-calendar: Calendar Customizing. * mark-hebrew-diary-entries: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * mark-holidays-in-calendar: Calendar Customizing. * mark-included-diary-files: Fancy Diary Display. * mark-islamic-diary-entries: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * mark-marker: The Mark. * mark-ring: The Mark. * mark-ring-max: The Mark. * marker argument: Interactive Codes. * marker garbage collection: Overview of Markers. * marker input stream: Input Streams. * marker output stream: Output Streams. * marker relocation: Overview of Markers. * marker-buffer: Information from Markers. * marker-position: Information from Markers. * markerp: Predicates on Markers. * markers: Markers. * markers as numbers: Overview of Markers. * match data: Match Data. * match-beginning: Simple Match Data. * match-data: Entire Match Data. * match-end: Simple Match Data. * match-string: Simple Match Data. * mathematical functions: Math Functions. * max: Comparison of Numbers. * max-lisp-eval-depth: Eval. * max-specpdl-size: Local Variables. * member: Sets And Lists. * membership in a list: Sets And Lists. * memory allocation: Garbage Collection. * memory-limit: Garbage Collection. * memq: Sets And Lists. * menu bar: Menu Bar. * menu keymaps: Menu Keymaps. * menu prompt string: Defining Menus. * menu-bar-edit-menu: Standard Keymaps. * menu-bar-files-menu: Standard Keymaps. * menu-bar-final-items: Menu Bar. * menu-bar-help-menu: Standard Keymaps. * menu-bar-search-menu: Standard Keymaps. * menu-bar-tools-menu: Standard Keymaps. * menu-bar-update-hook: Menu Bar. * menu-prompt-more-char: Keyboard Menus. * message: The Echo Area. * message-log-max: The Echo Area. * meta character key constants: Changing Key Bindings. * meta character printing: Describing Characters. * meta characters: Character Type. * meta characters lookup: Format of Keymaps. * meta-prefix-char: Functions for Key Lookup. * min: Comparison of Numbers. * minibuffer: Minibuffers. * minibuffer history: Minibuffer History. * minibuffer input: Recursive Editing. * minibuffer window: Cyclic Window Ordering. * minibuffer-auto-raise: Raising and Lowering. * minibuffer-complete: Completion Commands. * minibuffer-complete-and-exit: Completion Commands. * minibuffer-complete-word: Completion Commands. * minibuffer-completion-confirm: Completion Commands. * minibuffer-completion-help: Completion Commands. * minibuffer-completion-predicate: Completion Commands. * minibuffer-completion-table: Completion Commands. * minibuffer-depth: Minibuffer Misc. * minibuffer-exit-hook: Minibuffer Misc. * minibuffer-frame-alist: Initial Parameters. * minibuffer-help-form: Minibuffer Misc. * minibuffer-history: Minibuffer History. * minibuffer-local-completion-map: Completion Commands. * minibuffer-local-map: Text from Minibuffer. * minibuffer-local-must-match-map: Completion Commands. * minibuffer-local-ns-map: Text from Minibuffer. * minibuffer-prompt: Minibuffer Misc. * minibuffer-prompt-width: Minibuffer Misc. * minibuffer-scroll-window: Minibuffer Misc. * minibuffer-setup-hook: Minibuffer Misc. * minibuffer-window: Minibuffer Misc. * minibuffer-window-active-p: Minibuffer Misc. * minimum window size: Resizing Windows. * minor mode: Minor Modes. * minor mode conventions: Minor Mode Conventions. * minor-mode-alist: Mode Line Variables. * minor-mode-key-binding: Functions for Key Lookup. * minor-mode-map-alist: Active Keymaps. * mod: Arithmetic Operations. * mode: Modes. * mode help: Mode Help. * mode hook: Major Mode Conventions. * mode line: Mode Line Format. * mode line construct: Mode Line Data. * mode loading: Major Mode Conventions. * mode variable: Minor Mode Conventions. * mode-line-buffer-identification: Mode Line Variables. * mode-line-format: Mode Line Data. * mode-line-inverse-video: Inverse Video. * mode-line-modified: Mode Line Variables. * mode-line-process: Mode Line Variables. * mode-name: Mode Line Variables. * mode-specific-map <1>: Prefix Keys. * mode-specific-map: Standard Keymaps. * modeline (face name): Standard Faces. * modification flag (of buffer): Buffer Modification. * modification of lists: Rearrangement. * modification time, comparison of: Modification Time. * modification-hooks (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * modification-hooks (text property): Special Properties. * modifier bits (of input character): Keyboard Events. * modify-frame-parameters: Parameter Access. * modify-syntax-entry: Syntax Table Functions. * modulus: Arithmetic Operations. * momentary-string-display: Temporary Displays. * motion event: Motion Events. * mouse click event: Click Events. * mouse drag event: Drag Events. * mouse motion events: Motion Events. * mouse pointer shape: Pointer Shapes. * mouse position: Mouse Position. * mouse tracking: Mouse Tracking. * mouse-face (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * mouse-face (text property): Special Properties. * mouse-movement-p: Classifying Events. * mouse-pixel-position: Mouse Position. * mouse-position: Mouse Position. * move-marker: Changing Markers. * move-overlay: Managing Overlays. * move-to-column: Columns. * move-to-left-margin: Margins. * move-to-window-line: Screen Lines. * MS-DOS and file modes: Changing File Attributes. * MS-DOS file types: Files and MS-DOS. * multiple displays: Multiple Displays. * multiple windows: Basic Windows. * multiple X terminals: Multiple Displays. * multiple-frames: Frame Titles. * named function: Function Names. * NaN: Float Basics. * narrow-to-page: Narrowing. * narrow-to-region: Narrowing. * narrowing: Narrowing. * natnump: Predicates on Numbers. * natural numbers: Predicates on Numbers. * nconc: Rearrangement. * negative infinity: Float Basics. * negative-argument: Prefix Command Arguments. * network connection: Network. * new file message: Subroutines of Visiting. * newline <1>: Commands for Insertion. * newline: Character Type. * newline and Auto Fill mode: Commands for Insertion. * newline in print: Output Functions. * newline in strings: String Type. * newline-and-indent: Mode-Specific Indent. * next input: Event Input Misc. * next-frame: Finding All Frames. * next-history-element: Minibuffer Misc. * next-matching-history-element: Minibuffer Misc. * next-overlay-change: Managing Overlays. * next-property-change: Property Search. * next-screen-context-lines: Vertical Scrolling. * next-single-property-change: Property Search. * next-window: Cyclic Window Ordering. * nil: Constant Variables. * nlistp: List-related Predicates. * no-catch: Catch and Throw. * no-redraw-on-reenter: Refresh Screen. * nondirectory part (of file name): File Name Components. * nongregorian-diary-listing-hook: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * nongregorian-diary-marking-hook: Hebrew/Islamic Entries. * noninteractive: Batch Mode. * noninteractive use: Batch Mode. * nonlocal exits: Nonlocal Exits. * nonprinting characters, reading: Quoted Character Input. * normal-auto-fill-function: Auto Filling. * normal-mode: Auto Major Mode. * not: Combining Conditions. * not-modified: Buffer Modification. * nreverse: Rearrangement. * nth: List Elements. * nthcdr: List Elements. * null: List-related Predicates. * num-input-keys: Key Sequence Input. * number equality: Comparison of Numbers. * number-of-diary-entries: Diary Customizing. * number-or-marker-p: Predicates on Markers. * number-to-string: String Conversion. * numberp: Predicates on Numbers. * numbers: Numbers. * numeric prefix: Formatting Strings. * numeric prefix argument: Prefix Command Arguments. * numeric prefix argument usage: Interactive Codes. * obarray: Creating Symbols. * obarray in completion: Basic Completion. * object: Lisp Data Types. * object internals: Object Internals. * object to string: Output Functions. * obsolete buffer: Modification Time. * occur-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * octal character code: Character Type. * octal character input: Quoted Character Input. * omer count: Sexp Diary Entries. * one-window-p: Splitting Windows. * only-global-abbrevs: Defining Abbrevs. * open-dribble-file: Recording Input. * open-network-stream: Network. * open-termscript: Terminal Output. * operating system environment: System Environment. * option descriptions: A Sample Variable Description. * optional arguments: Argument List. * options on command line: Command Line Arguments. * or: Combining Conditions. * ordering of windows, cyclic: Cyclic Window Ordering. * other-buffer: The Buffer List. * other-holidays: Holiday Customizing. * other-window: Cyclic Window Ordering. * other-window-scroll-buffer: Vertical Scrolling. * Outline mode: Substitution. * output from processes: Output from Processes. * output stream: Output Streams. * overall prompt string: Format of Keymaps. * overflow: Integer Basics. * overlay arrow: Overlay Arrow. * overlay-arrow-position: Overlay Arrow. * overlay-arrow-string: Overlay Arrow. * overlay-buffer: Managing Overlays. * overlay-end: Managing Overlays. * overlay-get: Overlay Properties. * overlay-put: Overlay Properties. * overlay-start: Managing Overlays. * overlays: Overlays. * overlays-at: Managing Overlays. * overriding-local-map: Active Keymaps. * overriding-local-map-menu-flag: Active Keymaps. * overriding-terminal-local-map: Active Keymaps. * overwrite-mode: Commands for Insertion. * padding: Formatting Strings. * page-delimiter: Standard Regexps. * paragraph-separate: Standard Regexps. * paragraph-start: Standard Regexps. * parasha, weekly: Sexp Diary Entries. * parent process: Processes. * parenthesis: Cons Cell Type. * parenthesis depth: Parsing Expressions. * parenthesis matching: Blinking. * parenthesis syntax: Syntax Class Table. * parse state: Parsing Expressions. * parse-partial-sexp: Parsing Expressions. * parse-sexp-ignore-comments: Parsing Expressions. * parsing: Syntax Tables. * path-separator: System Environment. * pausing: Waiting. * peculiar error: Error Symbols. * peeking at input: Event Input Misc. * percent symbol in mode line: Mode Line Data. * perform-replace: Search and Replace. * performance analysis: Coverage Testing. * permanent local variable: Creating Buffer-Local. * permission: File Attributes. * pipes: Asynchronous Processes. * plist: Property Lists. * plist-get: Other Plists. * plist-put: Other Plists. * point: Point. * point excursion: Excursions. * point in window: Window Point. * point with narrowing: Point. * point-entered (text property): Special Properties. * point-left (text property): Special Properties. * point-marker: Creating Markers. * point-max: Point. * point-max-marker: Creating Markers. * point-min: Point. * point-min-marker: Creating Markers. * pointer shape: Pointer Shapes. * pop-mark: The Mark. * pop-to-buffer: Displaying Buffers. * pop-up-frame-alist: Choosing Window. * pop-up-frame-function: Choosing Window. * pop-up-frames: Choosing Window. * pop-up-windows: Choosing Window. * pos-visible-in-window-p: Window Start. * position (in buffer): Positions. * position argument: Interactive Codes. * position in window: Window Point. * position of mouse: Mouse Position. * positive infinity: Float Basics. * posix-looking-at: POSIX Regexps. * posix-search-backward: POSIX Regexps. * posix-search-forward: POSIX Regexps. * posix-string-match: POSIX Regexps. * posn-col-row: Accessing Events. * posn-point: Accessing Events. * posn-timestamp: Accessing Events. * posn-window: Accessing Events. * posn-x-y: Accessing Events. * post-command-hook: Command Overview. * pre-abbrev-expand-hook: Abbrev Expansion. * pre-command-hook: Command Overview. * preceding-char: Near Point. * predicates: Type Predicates. * prefix argument: Prefix Command Arguments. * prefix argument unreading: Event Input Misc. * prefix command: Prefix Keys. * prefix key: Prefix Keys. * prefix-arg: Prefix Command Arguments. * prefix-help-command: Help Functions. * prefix-numeric-value: Prefix Command Arguments. * preventing backtracking: Specification List. * preventing prefix key: Key Lookup. * previous complete subexpression: Parsing Expressions. * previous-frame: Finding All Frames. * previous-history-element: Minibuffer Misc. * previous-matching-history-element: Minibuffer Misc. * previous-overlay-change: Managing Overlays. * previous-property-change: Property Search. * previous-single-property-change: Property Search. * previous-window: Cyclic Window Ordering. * primitive: What Is a Function. * primitive function internals: Writing Emacs Primitives. * primitive type: Lisp Data Types. * primitive-undo: Undo. * prin1: Output Functions. * prin1-to-string: Output Functions. * princ: Output Functions. * print: Output Functions. * print example: Output Streams. * print name cell: Symbol Components. * print-diary-entries: Diary Customizing. * print-diary-entries-hook: Diary Customizing. * print-escape-newlines: Output Variables. * print-help-return-message: Help Functions. * print-length: Output Variables. * print-level: Output Variables. * printed representation: Printed Representation. * printed representation for characters: Character Type. * printing: Streams Intro. * printing (Edebug): Printing in Edebug. * printing circular structures: Printing in Edebug. * printing limits: Output Variables. * printing notation: Printing Notation. * priority (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * process: Processes. * process filter: Filter Functions. * process input: Input to Processes. * process internals: Process Internals. * process output: Output from Processes. * process sentinel: Sentinels. * process signals: Signals to Processes. * process-buffer: Process Buffers. * process-command: Process Information. * process-connection-type: Asynchronous Processes. * process-environment: System Environment. * process-exit-status: Process Information. * process-filter: Filter Functions. * process-id: Process Information. * process-kill-without-query: Deleting Processes. * process-list: Process Information. * process-mark: Process Buffers. * process-name: Process Information. * process-send-eof: Input to Processes. * process-send-region: Input to Processes. * process-send-string: Input to Processes. * process-sentinel: Sentinels. * process-status: Process Information. * process-tty-name: Process Information. * processp: Processes. * profiling: Compilation Tips. * prog1: Sequencing. * prog2: Sequencing. * progn: Sequencing. * program arguments: Subprocess Creation. * program directories: Subprocess Creation. * programmed completion: Programmed Completion. * programming types: Programming Types. * prompt string (of menu): Defining Menus. * prompt string of keymap: Format of Keymaps. * properties of text: Text Properties. * property list: Property Lists. * property list cell: Symbol Components. * property lists vs association lists: Plists and Alists. * protected forms: Cleanups. * provide: Named Features. * providing features: Named Features. * pure storage: Pure Storage. * pure-bytes-used: Pure Storage. * purecopy: Pure Storage. * purify-flag: Pure Storage. * push-mark: The Mark. * put: Symbol Plists. * put-text-property: Changing Properties. * query-replace-history: Minibuffer History. * query-replace-map <1>: Standard Keymaps. * query-replace-map: Search and Replace. * querying the user: Yes-or-No Queries. * question mark in character constant: Character Type. * quietly-read-abbrev-file: Abbrev Files. * quit-flag: Quitting. * quit-process: Signals to Processes. * quitting: Quitting. * quitting from infinite loop: Infinite Loops. * quote: Quoting. * quote character: Parsing Expressions. * quoted character input: Quoted Character Input. * quoting: Quoting. * quoting characters in printing: Output Functions. * quoting using apostrophe: Quoting. * raise-frame: Raising and Lowering. * raising a frame: Raising and Lowering. * random: Random Numbers. * random numbers: Random Numbers. * rassoc: Association Lists. * rassq: Association Lists. * raw prefix argument: Prefix Command Arguments. * raw prefix argument usage: Interactive Codes. * re-search-backward: Regexp Search. * re-search-forward: Regexp Search. * read: Input Functions. * read command name: Interactive Call. * read syntax: Printed Representation. * read syntax for characters: Character Type. * read-buffer: High-Level Completion. * read-char: Reading One Event. * read-command: High-Level Completion. * read-event: Reading One Event. * read-expression-history: Minibuffer History. * read-file-name: Reading File Names. * read-from-minibuffer: Text from Minibuffer. * read-from-string: Input Functions. * read-key-sequence: Key Sequence Input. * read-minibuffer: Object from Minibuffer. * read-no-blanks-input: Text from Minibuffer. * read-only (text property): Special Properties. * read-only buffer: Read Only Buffers. * read-only buffers in interactive: Using Interactive. * read-only character: Special Properties. * read-quoted-char: Quoted Character Input. * read-string: Text from Minibuffer. * read-variable: High-Level Completion. * reading: Streams Intro. * reading interactive arguments: Interactive Codes. * reading symbols: Creating Symbols. * rearrangement of lists: Rearrangement. * rebinding: Changing Key Bindings. * recent-auto-save-p: Auto-Saving. * recent-keys: Recording Input. * recenter: Vertical Scrolling. * record command history: Interactive Call. * recursion: Iteration. * recursion-depth: Recursive Editing. * recursive command loop: Recursive Editing. * recursive editing level: Recursive Editing. * recursive evaluation: Intro Eval. * recursive-edit: Recursive Editing. * redirect-frame-focus: Input Focus. * redo: Undo. * redraw-display: Refresh Screen. * redraw-frame: Refresh Screen. * regexp: Regular Expressions. * regexp alternative: Syntax of Regexps. * regexp grouping: Syntax of Regexps. * regexp searching: Regexp Search. * regexp-history: Minibuffer History. * regexp-quote: Syntax of Regexps. * regexps used standardly in editing: Standard Regexps. * region (face name): Standard Faces. * region argument: Interactive Codes. * region, the: The Region. * region-beginning: The Region. * region-end: The Region. * region-face: Face Functions. * register-alist: Registers. * registers: Registers. * regular expression: Regular Expressions. * regular expression searching: Regexp Search. * reindent-then-newline-and-indent: Mode-Specific Indent. * relative file name: Relative File Names. * remainder: Arithmetic Operations. * remove-hook: Hooks. * remove-text-properties: Changing Properties. * rename-auto-save-file: Auto-Saving. * rename-buffer: Buffer Names. * rename-file: Changing File Attributes. * renaming files: Changing File Attributes. * repeat events: Repeat Events. * repeated loading: Repeated Loading. * replace bindings: Changing Key Bindings. * replace characters: Substitution. * replace-buffer-in-windows: Displaying Buffers. * replace-match: Replacing Match. * replacement: Search and Replace. * require: Named Features. * require-final-newline: Saving Buffers. * requiring features: Named Features. * resize redisplay: Screen Size. * rest arguments: Argument List. * restriction (in a buffer): Narrowing. * resume (cf. no-redraw-on-reenter): Refresh Screen. * return: Character Type. * reverse: Building Lists. * reversing a list: Rearrangement. * revert-buffer: Reverting. * revert-buffer-function: Reverting. * revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function: Reverting. * rm: Changing File Attributes. * rosh hodesh: Sexp Diary Entries. * round: Numeric Conversions. * rounding in conversions: Numeric Conversions. * rounding without conversion: Rounding Operations. * rplaca: Modifying Lists. * rplacd: Modifying Lists. * run time stack: Internals of Debugger. * run-at-time: Timers. * run-hooks: Hooks. * run-with-idle-timer: Timers. * same-window-buffer-names: Choosing Window. * same-window-regexps: Choosing Window. * save-abbrevs: Abbrev Files. * save-buffer: Saving Buffers. * save-excursion: Excursions. * save-match-data: Saving Match Data. * save-restriction: Narrowing. * save-selected-window: Selecting Windows. * save-some-buffers: Saving Buffers. * save-window-excursion: Window Configurations. * saving text properties: Saving Properties. * saving window information: Window Configurations. * scan-lists: Parsing Expressions. * scan-sexps: Parsing Expressions. * scope: Variable Scoping. * screen layout: Window Configuration Type. * screen of terminal: Basic Windows. * screen size: Screen Size. * screen-height: Screen Size. * screen-width: Screen Size. * scroll-bar-event-ratio: Accessing Events. * scroll-bar-scale: Accessing Events. * scroll-down: Vertical Scrolling. * scroll-left: Horizontal Scrolling. * scroll-other-window: Vertical Scrolling. * scroll-right: Horizontal Scrolling. * scroll-step: Vertical Scrolling. * scroll-up: Vertical Scrolling. * scrolling vertically: Vertical Scrolling. * search-backward: String Search. * search-failed: String Search. * search-forward: String Search. * searching: Searching and Matching. * searching and case: Searching and Case. * searching for regexp: Regexp Search. * secondary-selection (face name): Standard Faces. * select-frame: Input Focus. * select-window: Selecting Windows. * selected frame: Input Focus. * selected window: Basic Windows. * selected-frame: Input Focus. * selected-window: Selecting Windows. * selecting a buffer: Current Buffer. * selecting windows: Selecting Windows. * selection (for X windows): X Selections. * selective display: Selective Display. * selective-display: Selective Display. * selective-display-ellipses: Selective Display. * self-evaluating form: Self-Evaluating Forms. * self-insert-and-exit: Minibuffer Misc. * self-insert-command: Commands for Insertion. * self-insertion: Commands for Insertion. * send-string-to-terminal: Terminal Output. * sending signals: Signals to Processes. * sentence-end: Standard Regexps. * sentinel: Sentinels. * sequence: Sequences Arrays Vectors. * sequence length: Sequence Functions. * sequencep: Sequence Functions. * set: Setting Variables. * set-auto-mode: Auto Major Mode. * set-buffer: Current Buffer. * set-buffer-auto-saved: Auto-Saving. * set-buffer-major-mode: Auto Major Mode. * set-buffer-modified-p: Buffer Modification. * set-case-syntax: Case Table. * set-case-syntax-delims: Case Table. * set-case-syntax-pair: Case Table. * set-case-table: Case Table. * set-default: Default Value. * set-default-file-modes: Changing File Attributes. * set-face-background: Face Functions. * set-face-font: Face Functions. * set-face-foreground: Face Functions. * set-face-stipple: Face Functions. * set-face-underline-p: Face Functions. * set-file-modes: Changing File Attributes. * set-frame-configuration: Frame Configurations. * set-frame-position: Size and Position. * set-frame-size: Size and Position. * set-input-mode: Input Modes. * set-keymap-parent: Inheritance and Keymaps. * set-left-margin: Margins. * set-mark: The Mark. * set-marker: Changing Markers. * set-match-data: Entire Match Data. * set-mouse-pixel-position: Mouse Position. * set-mouse-position: Mouse Position. * set-process-buffer: Process Buffers. * set-process-filter: Filter Functions. * set-process-sentinel: Sentinels. * set-register: Registers. * set-right-margin: Margins. * set-screen-height: Screen Size. * set-screen-width: Screen Size. * set-standard-case-table: Case Table. * set-syntax-table: Syntax Table Functions. * set-text-properties: Changing Properties. * set-visited-file-modtime: Modification Time. * set-visited-file-name <1>: Saving Buffers. * set-visited-file-name: Buffer File Name. * set-window-buffer: Buffers and Windows. * set-window-configuration: Window Configurations. * set-window-dedicated-p: Choosing Window. * set-window-display-table: Active Display Table. * set-window-hscroll: Horizontal Scrolling. * set-window-point: Window Point. * set-window-start: Window Start. * setcar: Setcar. * setcdr: Setcdr. * setenv: System Environment. * setplist: Symbol Plists. * setprv: System Environment. * setq: Setting Variables. * setq-default: Default Value. * sets: Sets And Lists. * setting modes of files: Changing File Attributes. * setting-constant: Constant Variables. * sexp diary entries: Sexp Diary Entries. * sexp motion: List Motion. * shadowing of variables: Local Variables. * shallow binding: Impl of Scope. * Shell mode mode-line-format: Mode Line Data. * shell-command-history: Minibuffer History. * shrink-window: Resizing Windows. * shrink-window-horizontally: Resizing Windows. * side effect: Intro Eval. * signal: Signaling Errors. * signal-process: Signals to Processes. * signaling errors: Signaling Errors. * signals: Signals to Processes. * simple-diary-display: Fancy Diary Display. * sin: Math Functions. * single-key-description: Describing Characters. * sit-for: Waiting. * site-run-file: Init File. * size of screen: Screen Size. * size of window: Size of Window. * skip-chars-backward: Skipping Characters. * skip-chars-forward: Skipping Characters. * skip-syntax-backward: Motion and Syntax. * skip-syntax-forward: Motion and Syntax. * skipping characters: Skipping Characters. * skipping comments: Parsing Expressions. * sleep-for: Waiting. * Snarf-documentation: Accessing Documentation. * sort: Rearrangement. * sort-columns: Sorting. * sort-diary-entries: Fancy Diary Display. * sort-fields: Sorting. * sort-lines: Sorting. * sort-numeric-fields: Sorting. * sort-pages: Sorting. * sort-paragraphs: Sorting. * sort-regexp-fields: Sorting. * sort-subr: Sorting. * sorting diary entries: Fancy Diary Display. * sorting lists: Rearrangement. * sorting text: Sorting. * source breakpoints: Source Breakpoints. * sparse keymap: Format of Keymaps. * special form descriptions: A Sample Function Description. * special form evaluation: Special Forms. * special forms: Primitive Function Type. * special forms (Edebug): Instrumenting. * special forms for control structures: Control Structures. * special-display-buffer-names: Choosing Window. * special-display-frame-alist: Choosing Window. * special-display-function: Choosing Window. * special-display-popup-frame: Choosing Window. * special-display-regexps: Choosing Window. * speedups: Compilation Tips. * splicing (with backquote): Backquote. * split-height-threshold: Choosing Window. * split-line: Commands for Insertion. * split-window: Splitting Windows. * split-window-horizontally: Splitting Windows. * split-window-vertically: Splitting Windows. * splitting windows: Splitting Windows. * sqrt: Math Functions. * stable sort: Rearrangement. * standard regexps used in editing: Standard Regexps. * standard-case-table: Case Table. * standard-display-table: Active Display Table. * standard-input: Input Functions. * standard-output: Output Variables. * standard-syntax-table: Standard Syntax Tables. * standards of coding style: Tips. * start up of Emacs: Start-up Summary. * start-process: Asynchronous Processes. * start-process-shell-command: Asynchronous Processes. * sticky text properties: Sticky Properties. * stop points: Using Edebug. * stop-process: Signals to Processes. * stopping an infinite loop: Infinite Loops. * stopping on events: Global Break Condition. * store-match-data: Entire Match Data. * stream (for printing): Output Streams. * stream (for reading): Input Streams. * string equality: Text Comparison. * string in keymap: Key Lookup. * string input stream: Input Streams. * string length: Sequence Functions. * string search: String Search. * string to character: String Conversion. * string to number: String Conversion. * string to object: Input Functions. * string, writing a doc string: Documentation Basics. * string-equal: Text Comparison. * string-lessp: Text Comparison. * string-match: Regexp Search. * string-to-char: String Conversion. * string-to-int: String Conversion. * string-to-number: String Conversion. * string<: Text Comparison. * string=: Text Comparison. * stringp: Predicates for Strings. * strings: Strings and Characters. * strings, formatting them: Formatting Strings. * subprocess: Processes. * subr: What Is a Function. * subrp: What Is a Function. * subst-char-in-region: Substitution. * substitute-command-keys: Keys in Documentation. * substitute-in-file-name: File Name Expansion. * substitute-key-definition: Changing Key Bindings. * substituting keys in documentation: Keys in Documentation. * substring: Creating Strings. * super characters: Character Type. * super-apropos: Help Functions. * suppress-keymap: Changing Key Bindings. * suspend (cf. no-redraw-on-reenter): Refresh Screen. * suspend evaluation: Recursive Editing. * suspend-emacs: Suspending Emacs. * suspend-hook: Suspending Emacs. * suspend-resume-hook: Suspending Emacs. * suspending Emacs: Suspending Emacs. * switch-to-buffer: Displaying Buffers. * switch-to-buffer-other-window: Displaying Buffers. * switches on command line: Command Line Arguments. * switching to a buffer: Displaying Buffers. * symbol: Symbols. * symbol components: Symbol Components. * symbol equality: Creating Symbols. * symbol evaluation: Symbol Forms. * symbol function indirection: Function Indirection. * symbol in keymap: Key Lookup. * symbol name hashing: Creating Symbols. * symbol-function: Function Cells. * symbol-name: Creating Symbols. * symbol-plist: Symbol Plists. * symbol-value: Accessing Variables. * symbolp: Symbols. * synchronous subprocess: Synchronous Processes. * syntax classes: Syntax Descriptors. * syntax descriptor: Syntax Descriptors. * syntax error (Edebug): Backtracking. * syntax flags: Syntax Flags. * syntax for characters: Character Type. * syntax table: Syntax Tables. * syntax table example: Example Major Modes. * syntax table internals: Syntax Table Internals. * syntax tables in modes: Major Mode Conventions. * syntax-table: Syntax Table Functions. * syntax-table-p: Syntax Basics. * system-configuration: System Environment. * system-key-alist: Special Keysyms. * system-name: System Environment. * system-type: System Environment. * t: Constant Variables. * tab: Character Type. * tab deletion: Deletion. * tab-stop-list: Indent Tabs. * tab-to-tab-stop: Indent Tabs. * tab-width: Usual Display. * tabs stops for indentation: Indent Tabs. * tag on run time stack: Catch and Throw. * tan: Math Functions. * TCP: Network. * temacs: Building Emacs. * temp-buffer-show-function: Temporary Displays. * term-file-prefix: Terminal-Specific. * term-setup-hook: Terminal-Specific. * Termcap: Terminal-Specific. * terminal frame: Frames. * terminal input: Terminal Input. * terminal input modes: Input Modes. * terminal output: Terminal Output. * terminal screen: Basic Windows. * terminal-specific initialization: Terminal-Specific. * terminate keyboard macro: Event Input Misc. * termscript file: Terminal Output. * terpri: Output Functions. * testing types: Type Predicates. * text: Text. * text files and binary files: Files and MS-DOS. * text insertion: Insertion. * text parsing: Syntax Tables. * text properties: Text Properties. * text properties in files: Saving Properties. * text-char-description: Describing Characters. * text-mode-abbrev-table: Standard Abbrev Tables. * text-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * text-mode-syntax-table: Standard Syntax Tables. * text-properties-at: Examining Properties. * text-property-any: Property Search. * text-property-not-all: Property Search. * this-command: Command Loop Info. * this-command-keys: Command Loop Info. * three-step-help: Help Functions. * throw: Catch and Throw. * tiled windows: Basic Windows. * timer: Timers. * timing programs: Compilation Tips. * tips: Tips. * today-invisible-calendar-hook: Calendar Customizing. * today-visible-calendar-hook: Calendar Customizing. * toggle-read-only: Read Only Buffers. * top-level: Recursive Editing. * top-level form: Loading. * tq-close: Transaction Queues. * tq-create: Transaction Queues. * tq-enqueue: Transaction Queues. * trace buffer: Trace Buffer. * track-mouse <1>: Motion Events. * track-mouse: Mouse Tracking. * tracking the mouse: Mouse Tracking. * transaction queue: Transaction Queues. * transcendental functions: Math Functions. * Transient Mark mode: The Mark. * transient-mark-mode: The Mark. * translate-region: Substitution. * translating input events: Translating Input. * transpose-regions: Transposition. * trim-versions-without-asking: Numbered Backups. * triple-click events: Repeat Events. * true: nil and t. * truename (of file): Truenames. * truncate: Numeric Conversions. * truncate-lines: Truncation. * truncate-partial-width-windows: Truncation. * truth value: nil and t. * try-completion: Basic Completion. * two's complement: Integer Basics. * type: Lisp Data Types. * type checking: Type Predicates. * type checking internals: Object Internals. * type predicates: Type Predicates. * type-of: Type Predicates. * unbinding keys: Key Binding Commands. * undefined: Functions for Key Lookup. * undefined key: Keymap Terminology. * underline (face name): Standard Faces. * undo avoidance: Substitution. * undo-boundary: Undo. * undo-limit: Maintaining Undo. * undo-strong-limit: Maintaining Undo. * unexec: Building Emacs. * unhandled-file-name-directory: Magic File Names. * unintern: Creating Symbols. * uninterned symbol: Creating Symbols. * universal-argument: Prefix Command Arguments. * unload-feature: Unloading. * unloading: Unloading. * unlock-buffer: File Locks. * unread-command-char: Event Input Misc. * unread-command-events: Event Input Misc. * unreading: Input Streams. * unwind-protect: Cleanups. * unwinding: Cleanups. * up-list: List Motion. * upcase: Character Case. * upcase-region: Case Changes. * upcase-word: Case Changes. * update-directory-autoloads: Autoload. * update-file-autoloads: Autoload. * upper case: Character Case. * upper case key sequence: Key Sequence Input. * use-global-map: Active Keymaps. * use-hard-newlines: Filling. * use-local-map: Active Keymaps. * user option: Defining Variables. * user-defined error: Error Symbols. * user-full-name: User Identification. * user-login-name: User Identification. * user-mail-address: User Identification. * user-real-login-name: User Identification. * user-real-uid: User Identification. * user-uid: User Identification. * user-variable-p: Defining Variables. * value cell: Symbol Components. * value of expression: Evaluation. * values: Eval. * variable: Variables. * variable definition: Defining Variables. * variable descriptions: A Sample Variable Description. * variable limit error: Local Variables. * variable-documentation: Documentation Basics. * variable-interactive: Defining Variables. * variables, buffer-local: Buffer-Local Variables. * vc-mode: Mode Line Variables. * vconcat: Vector Functions. * vector <1>: Vector Functions. * vector: Vectors. * vector evaluation: Self-Evaluating Forms. * vector length: Sequence Functions. * vectorp: Vector Functions. * verify-visited-file-modtime: Modification Time. * version number (in file name): File Name Components. * version-control: Numbered Backups. * vertical scrolling: Vertical Scrolling. * vertical tab: Character Type. * vertical-motion: Screen Lines. * view-calendar-holidays-initially: Calendar Customizing. * view-diary-entries-initially: Calendar Customizing. * view-file: Visiting Functions. * view-mode-map: Standard Keymaps. * view-register: Registers. * visible frame: Visibility of Frames. * visible-bell: Beeping. * visible-frame-list: Finding All Frames. * visited file: Buffer File Name. * visited file mode: Auto Major Mode. * visited-file-modtime: Modification Time. * visiting files: Visiting Files. * void function: Function Indirection. * void function cell: Function Cells. * void variable: Void Variables. * void-function: Function Cells. * void-variable: Void Variables. * waiting: Waiting. * waiting for command key input: Event Input Misc. * waiting-for-user-input-p: Sentinels. * wakeup: Subprocess Creation. * walk-windows: Cyclic Window Ordering. * where-is-internal: Scanning Keymaps. * while: Iteration. * whitespace: Character Type. * wholenump: Predicates on Numbers. * widen: Narrowing. * widening: Narrowing. * window: Basic Windows. * window (overlay property): Overlay Properties. * window configuration (Edebug): Edebug Display Update. * window configurations: Window Configurations. * window excursions: Excursions. * window internals: Window Internals. * window ordering, cyclic: Cyclic Window Ordering. * window point: Window Point. * window point internals: Window Internals. * window position: Window Point. * window resizing: Resizing Windows. * window size: Size of Window. * window size, changing: Resizing Windows. * window splitting: Splitting Windows. * window top line: Window Start. * window-at: Coordinates and Windows. * window-buffer: Buffers and Windows. * window-configuration-p: Window Configurations. * window-dedicated-p: Choosing Window. * window-display-table: Active Display Table. * window-edges: Size of Window. * window-end: Window Start. * window-frame: Frames and Windows. * window-height: Size of Window. * window-hscroll: Horizontal Scrolling. * window-live-p: Deleting Windows. * window-min-height: Resizing Windows. * window-min-width: Resizing Windows. * window-minibuffer-p: Minibuffer Misc. * window-point: Window Point. * window-scroll-functions: Scrolling Hooks. * window-setup-hook: Window Systems. * window-size-change-functions: Scrolling Hooks. * window-start: Window Start. * window-system: Window Systems. * window-width: Size of Window. * windowp: Basic Windows. * Windows file types: Files and MS-DOS. * windows, controlling precisely: Buffers and Windows. * with-output-to-temp-buffer: Temporary Displays. * with-timeout: Timers. * word search: String Search. * word-search-backward: String Search. * word-search-forward: String Search. * words-include-escapes: Word Motion. * write-abbrev-file: Abbrev Files. * write-char: Output Functions. * write-contents-hooks: Saving Buffers. * write-file: Saving Buffers. * write-file-hooks: Saving Buffers. * write-region: Writing to Files. * write-region-annotate-functions: Saving Properties. * writing a documentation string: Documentation Basics. * wrong-number-of-arguments: Argument List. * wrong-type-argument: Type Predicates. * X window frame: Frames. * X Window System: Window Systems. * x-close-connection: Multiple Displays. * x-color-defined-p: Color Names. * x-color-values: Color Names. * x-display-backing-store: Server Data. * x-display-color-cells: Server Data. * x-display-color-p: Server Data. * x-display-grayscale-p: Server Data. * x-display-list: Multiple Displays. * x-display-mm-height: Server Data. * x-display-mm-width: Server Data. * x-display-pixel-height: Server Data. * x-display-pixel-width: Server Data. * x-display-planes: Server Data. * x-display-save-under: Server Data. * x-display-screens: Server Data. * x-display-visual-class: Server Data. * x-get-cut-buffer: X Selections. * x-get-resource: Resources. * x-get-selection: X Selections. * x-open-connection: Multiple Displays. * x-parse-geometry: Size and Position. * x-pointer-shape: Pointer Shapes. * x-popup-dialog: Dialog Boxes. * x-popup-menu: Pop-Up Menus. * x-sensitive-text-pointer-shape: Pointer Shapes. * x-server-vendor: Server Data. * x-server-version: Server Data. * x-set-cut-buffer: X Selections. * x-set-selection: X Selections. * y-or-n-p: Yes-or-No Queries. * y-or-n-p-with-timeout: Yes-or-No Queries. * yahrzeits: Sexp Diary Entries. * yank: Yank Commands. * yank suppression: Changing Key Bindings. * yank-pop: Yank Commands. * yes-or-no questions: Yes-or-No Queries. * yes-or-no-p: Yes-or-No Queries. * zerop: Predicates on Numbers.